Finding the perfect childcare can be overwhelming. At these three Raleigh daycares, families can rest assured that their children will be well taken care of and given a variety of quality activities throughout the day. Each of these schools utilizes technology to help keep families connected and up-to-date on their child’s activities and experiences. Above all, they provide high-quality curriculum to help kids grow and develop.
4001 Spring Forest Road
Raleigh, NC 27616
Primary Beginnings is a childcare facility that strives to maintain a quality learning environment that fosters a child’s creativity and abilities with programs that are tailored to meet each child’s developmental and educational milestones. From circle time to planting seeds in the garden to activity stations, Primary Beginnings offers a quality daycare program for young children.
The infant and toddler daycare programs focus on building warm, family-like environments where young children can grow and learn in a safe space. Babies can choose from carefully curated activities to encourage language, literacy, social development, physical development, executive function, and creative expression. Toddlers can have fun exploring and growing through play-based learning. They will develop all their essential motor, emotional, and cognitive skills through the program at Primary Beginnings. The school uses the Creative Curriculum, where kids can learn daily routines, self-help, problem-solving, and creative thinking.
2409 Crabtree Blvd
Raleigh, NC 27604
Little Makers Academy in Raleigh provides safe, expert service that respects each child, supports their family, and encourages kids to be “makers” through a variety of building and doing experiences. This daycare program focuses on character building, innovation, collaborative learning, and kindergarten readiness.
Half-day programs are available, as well as drop-in childcare services. The school features a Makerspace Modular Playground, encouraging kids to focus on “making” and exploring. There is also a dedicated nursery for infants, as well as a school-age game room that includes Legos, game boards, arts and crafts, and gaming equipment. Little Makers Academy hosts theme nights, parent date nights, and holiday parties throughout the year. Overnight care is also available at Little Makers Academy.
The school uses the InvestiGators Club Curriculum for infants through age 5. This curriculum focuses on play, imagination, and exploring the real world. Character education is built into every day’s learning. Program electives are available, including yoga, soccer, fitness, dance, and STEM.
9420 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Childtime in Raleigh is led by director Vanessa Price, who has over 22 years of experience in early childhood education and Raleigh daycares. The school is committed to keeping families connected throughout the day while their kids are at the program. Families can access live streaming videos of their child’s class, plus enjoy other real-time updates through the school’s exclusive mobile app, SproutAbout.
Childtime’s infant program includes warm, caring teachers that provide a safe and secure space where babies can grow and explore. The toddler program includes plenty of time for exploration and discovery as they learn about the environment around them. The two-year-old program features fun learning activities tailored to energetic and enthusiastic toddlers. The preschool program offers a homelike classroom setting, as well as immersive learning experiences, that help prepare children for school. The pre-kindergarten class was designed to function as an important stepping stone before elementary school. Electives are available, including soccer, yoga, music, and foreign language. Each program is led by experienced staff who strive to form strong relationships with children and their families.
These three childcare centers in Raleigh provide high-quality programs to infants and young children. Through hands-on activities, a range of electives like music and foreign language, and interactive experiences with peers, kids can grow and develop at these Raleigh Daycares while their parents rest assured that they’re safe and cared for.
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